Thursday, December 27, 2007

Vote on the poll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and don't change it!!!



T blog said...

best side won the north. with the best president who ended slavery.

Grandma of Many said...

Since the war wasn't over slavery, I would say the South but it would have been better not to have had one at all. We just need to follow God's law. The real reason was money. I look forward to Collin's speech coming up. Love you, Grandma Dot

Kenny Anderson said...

The South is gonna rise again! Boo for dishonest Abe

Ginger said...

I believe the North won but both sides suffered greatly with those who gave their lives for their cause. I personally believe in most of the principles the North fought for. But this is always a great debate issue for everyone since there are a lot of different opinions and we don't always agree....that's what makes it interesting..have fun with your speech.